Franchisee Testimonials


78 years young
Joining at 67 years, Ian Seager was with Jim’s Mowing for 11 years, proving it’s never too late to start! We caught up with him a few weeks prior to his well deserved retirement to discuss his Jim’s Journey.
Ian – Mowing

Lifestyle Business
Having just started out his Jim’s journey, Roger discusses the flexibility provided to him as a franchisee in comparison to his previous career, and the power of the Jim’s brand.
Roger – Car Detailing

Banker to fencer
On one of our days on the road with Justin, he discussed his previous career and how he found his way into Jim’s Fencing. Initially intended as a short break from the corporate world has turned into 6 years with Jim’s and Justin has now become a Jim’s Fencing Franchisor!
Justin – Fencing

Support Network
Meet Rocky from Jim’s Handyman who explains all the perks of becoming a Jim’s Handyman, from the extensive support network, to the flexibility a franchise provides. It’s a business in a box!
Rocky – Handyman

Proven System
Previously a restaurant manager at McDonald’s, Dan Cahill has been with Jim’s Mowing for just over two years now and has had amazing success with the brand! An amazing example of the success that can be had when following the Jim’s system.
Dan – Mowing

More Time for your Passion
Meet Tim from Jim’s Test and Tag, who outlines his journey from buying an existing region all the way to becoming a Regional Franchisor for Western Sydney. A typical day for Tim is work in the morning, teeing off in the arvo!
Tim – Test & Tag

Life Changing Decision
Mark went form an overworked truckie to Jim’s Mowing franchise owner.He Shares his exciting journey from salaryman to a full blown succesful business owner
Mark- Mowing

32 years with jim’s
Drawing on over 30 years with Jim’s Group, Anthony provides the team with invaluable insights and strategies. His deep understanding of the franchise allows him to share practical wisdom and effective techniques, empowering others to achieve success within the organization.
Anthony- Mowing
There are currently opportunities for motivated people looking to own their own business across Australia.
At Jim’s Group, we believe that all franchises should be transparent about their system which is why our founder, Jim Penman even created so you can see our independently collected franchise survey results!
Many people who come to our training also say that we are very transparent with everything we put out online.
Follow us on social media to stay connected and informed. Get the latest updates on our services, success stories from our Franchisees, and valuable tips for your home and business. Join our online community to engage with us, share your experiences, and be the first to know about special offers and events.
Our enquiry process is very straightforward, and we would love to speak with you! What are you waiting for? A simple enquiry may be the start of something great for you and your family!