
How to use a line trimmer/whipper snipper with Chris Sullivan from Jim’s Mowing

Struggling to get that flawless, knife-edge finish on your lawn edges? Experienced landscaper Chris Sullivan reveals his expert techniques for mastering the whipper snipper, an essential tool for achieving immaculate lawn edges. Covering both electric and petrol-powered units, Chris focuses on proper grip, wire positioning, and the spinning technique to help you sidestep common pitfalls. Dive in to perfect your lawn edging game and make the most of your whipper snipper.

Choosing the Right Holding Position for Safety and Comfort

Choosing the right holding position for your whipper snipper is crucial, not just for efficient edging but also for your safety and comfort. Chris of Jim’s Group advises against holding the machine close to your ear, as the constant buzzing from the motor—be it electric or petrol-powered—can lead to auditory issues over time, even if you’re wearing ear muffs. 

Instead, aim for a grip that keeps the motor at a safe distance from your ear, while still allowing you enough control to maneuver the device easily. By perfecting your holding position, you set the stage for both safe and effective lawn edging.

Spinning Technique for Perfect Edges

Mastering the spinning technique with your whipper snipper can make a dramatic difference in the quality of your lawn edges. Chris from Jim’s Mowing recommends starting with the machine in its standard position to flatten the top of the edge. 

Then, flip the whipper snipper upside down while maintaining a consistent grip. This simple action changes the head’s orientation from horizontal to vertical, setting you up for a clean, knife-edge finish. By following these steps, you’ll not only improve the look of your lawn but also make the most efficient use of your whipper snipper.

The Importance of Wire Positioning

Proper wire positioning is crucial when using a whipper snipper for edging. Chris warns against pushing the tool too far down into the edge, as this could cause the wire to get bogged down and wear out more quickly. 

Instead, maintain a neutral, slightly elevated position while operating the machine. This optimal position not only prolongs the life of your whipper snipper’s wire but also ensures a cleaner, more efficient cut for your lawn’s edges.

The Art of a Relaxed Grip

Mastering the art of a relaxed grip is essential for effective whipper snipper use, Chris advises. Gripping the handle too tightly can result in quicker fatigue and increase the likelihood of errors during the edging process. 

A looser grip, using just your thumb and one finger, not only reduces strain but also offers better control and fluidity when maneuvering the tool. By adopting this relaxed but firm grip, you’ll find it easier to achieve those perfect, knife-edge finishes on your lawn edges, improving both efficiency and results.


Mastering the whipper snipper for perfect lawn edges takes practice, as Chris Sullivan wisely points out. 

His expertise sheds light on the nuances of positioning, grip, and technique that can turn any homeowner into a lawn-edging artist. 

So, don your gardening gloves and get practicing—your dream lawn is just a whipper snip away.

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