Recent rains and the effects on pests

The recent bad weather and rains that we have experienced across Australia has not only affected us but has affected pests too. We have been lured into a false sense of security, with many pests going to the ground and hiding during the winter months.

During the first burst of sunny spring weather, they will emerge from their hiding places. They will scout around for the best environmental conditions that will support their breeding cycles.

At the start of spring, we may not see as many pests as we have in other years. This is likely because their winter hideouts have been flooded and many have been unable to survive.

But don’t get lured into a false sense of security as they will breed quite rapidly, and their numbers will explode when the warm weather arrives.

Flooded ground helps pests

The saturated ground is not pleasant to walk in as your shoes tend to sink into the soil. To a pest, these are the ideal conditions they need to establish themselves.

The wet ground provides the ideal opportunity for pests to dig new tunnels to expand their colonies. Termites are renowned for this, and tunnels give them the opportunity to find new food sources, which are often new homes.

wet ground help pests

They are very secretive, and owners usually only discover them once they have done significant damage to homes.

Did you know that if you weigh up all of the termites in the world and all the humans, the termites will outweigh humans 5 to 1?

Ants and spiders will also benefit from the wet weather we are having as it will provide an abundant food source in the form of insects.

Keeping the bugs out, what you can do

There are a number of things you can do to reduce pests around your home or office.

1) Firstly, on the outside, you must tip all the excess water out as this will encourage insects to breed. If they have no water, then they cannot get started.

2) Inspecting your fly screens is a must, as a rip in the mesh will allow flies and mosquitoes in. If you don’t have any then we suggest you get some fitted especially if you sleep with the window ajar.

3) Fitting door seals to front and back doors is a must as it provides a barrier that makes it more difficult for insects to access your home.

Keeping the bugs out, what you can do


4) Finally, contact your local pest controller, like Jim’s, and having a general pest treatment performed will take care of any pests that do evade these measures.

Your Local Pest Controller

At Jim’s Termite & Pest Control, we collaborate with homes and businesses all around Australia to create and put into practise successful pest management plans that provide outcomes. To learn how we can assist you in pest-proofing your house, call us at 131 546 or send us an online enquiry right now.

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